Symbol: ZYXI

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Whilst we endeavour to price investments on a real-time streaming or 15 min delayed basis, some prices may be as at close of business from the previous working day.

Invest in this share within an ISA, JISA, SIPP or Investment Account


Core Data
Latest Dividend Information

Ex-Dividend Date Unknown
Pay Date Unknown
Total Dividends - Year to Date0
Dividend Yield (%)0

Historical Data & Ratios

Avg Volume Over 10 Days0.0576
Market Cap (M)244.5738
Price/Earnings (PE)0
Earnings Per Share0
Revenue Per Share0
Return on Equity %0

1 Month Performance Chart

One Month Chart

Cost and Charges Information

This calculator provides you with costs and charges information regarding our charges and, where relevant, the costs within this investment product

Account Type

  • Investment Account
  • Stocks & Shares ISA
  • SIPP

Annual charges

These are the annual costs based on an initial investment amount of over 1 year assuming a net zero growth rate

Cost Category % of Investment lump sum costs
Our annual fee

Our annual fee

Includes our platform fee at 0.30% per annum (excluding Charles Stanley Multi Asset Funds and anycash held). The min fee is £60, the max is £600 per annum, plus SIPP administration fee (if applicable, only charged if < £30,000 held) – see here
Dealing charges

Dealing charges

Any one-off commission charges associated with investing. Note that government taxes and levies are not included. International equities incur additional costs including an International dealing rate that will be shown at the point of trade, as well as possible exchange costs when trading in overseas markets. This does not include any commission credits you may have available
Product provider costs

Product provider costs

Product provider costs shown are inclusive of the fund ongoing charges figure (OCF), transaction costs and incidental costs
Total (£)

Total (£)

Costs per annum displayed in monetary value
Total (%)

Total (%)

Costs per annum displayed as a percentage of investment value

Cumulative effect of charges on your investment's return

This illustration assumes that costs occur evenly throughout the year, charges are paid out of the investment evenly throughout the year, and that an annual growth rate of applies evenly throughout the year, before any charges including product charges

lump sum invested with an assumed growth rate of 1 year years
What you might get back at  with no charges applied

What you might get back at  with no charges applied

These are the illustrative values of a  investment after growth and no costs applied at the end of the defined period
Annual charges

Annual charges

These are the annual costs based on an initial investment amount of assuming a net zero growth rate
Effect of charges on return (%)

Effect of charges on return (%)

These are the overall costs in percentage terms, based on an initial investment amount of assuming a growth rate
Effect of charges on return (£)

Effect of charges on return (£)

These are the overall costs in monetary value, based on an initial investment amount of assuming a growth rate
What you might get back at with charges applied

What you might get back at with charges applied

These are the illustrative values of a investment after growth and costs at the end of the defined period

This illustration is not a forecast of future investment performance but merely a means to demonstrate the potential impact of costs and charges for an assumed return of . Whilst we make reasonable endeavours to ensure the accuracy of third party charges information, this is intended for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon. We do not warrant or represent that this information is accurate, complete or up to date, therefore we accept no responsibility or liability for its use


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      Business Summary

      Zynex, Inc. develops, manufactures, markets and sells medical devices used for pain management and rehabilitation, as well as non-invasive fluid, sepsis and laser-based pulse oximetry monitoring systems for use in hospitals. The Company’s devices are intended for pain management to reduce reliance on medications and provide rehabilitation and increased mobility through the utilization of non-invasive muscle stimulation, electromyography technology, interferential current, neuromuscular electrical stimulation and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. The Company’s products include Zynex Medical Products, which includes NexWave, NeuroMove, InWave, E-Wave and M-Wave; Private Labeled Supplies, which includes Electrodes and Batteries; Distributed Complementary, which includes Comfortrac/Saunders, JetStream/Pain Management Technologies, LSO Back Braces and Bracing, and Zynex Monitoring Solutions Products, which includes CM-1500, CM-1600, NiCO CO-Oximeter and HemeOx tHb Oximeter.

      Financial Summary

      BRIEF: For the nine months ended 30 September 2024, Zynex Inc revenues increased 7% to $146.4M. Net income decreased 58% to $3.6M. Revenues reflect Devices and Supplies segment increase of 54% to $146.4M. Net income was offset by Devices and Supplies segment income decrease of 20% to $6.6M, United States segment income decrease of 55% to $3.8M. Basic Earnings per Share excluding Extraordinary Items decreased from $0.24 to $0.11.


      Income Statement - All values are in U.S. Dollars

      Year Ending







      Total Revenue 184.32 158.17 130.30 80.12 45.47 13.31
      Gross profit 146.32 126.52 103.38 63.45 36.78 9.80
      Operating Profit/Loss 10.78 22.94 22.37 10.17 11.07 0.64
      Profit Before Tax 12.58 22.20 22.27 10.15 11.94 0.08
      Profit After Tax 9.73 17.05 17.10 9.07 9.49 0.07
      Equity Holders of Parent Company 9.73 17.05 17.10 9.07 9.49 0.07
      Minority Interest -0.09 -0.09 NIL NIL NIL NIL

      Balance Sheet - All values are in U.S. Dollars

      Year Ending







      Total Non-Current Assets 49.05 46.91 50.59 9.15 5.71 0.67
      Total Current Assets 87.86 69.56 82.69 63.02 22.57 3.42
      Total Assets 136.90 116.47 133.27 72.18 28.28 4.09
      Total Liabilities 90.86 50.20 59.35 15.32 8.54 7.80
      Total Net Assets 46.04 66.27 73.93 56.86 19.74 -3.71
      Shareholders Funds 46.13 66.36 73.93 56.86 19.74 -3.71
      Minority Interests -0.09 -0.09 NIL NIL NIL NIL
      Total Equity 46.04 66.27 73.93 56.86 19.74 -3.71


      Sorry, broker view information on this investment is not available at this time.

      Time & Sales

      Sorry, sales information on this investment is not available at this time.

      Investment involves risk. You may get back less than invested.