Low Charges

Our platform fees are only 0.25%, one of the lowest on the market. Find out how that can affect your portfolios growth.


Award Winning UK Telephone helpdesk

Our friendly helpdesk are there to help you with any enquiry you might have.

Our Platform

Desktop Screen

Manage all your accounts within your own customisable dashboard. Our platform features make investing with us straight forward.

Features at a glance

  •  Price alerts. Receive an email alert when a stock reaches a particular price
  •  Limit orders. Have your trade place automatically when the price reaches a preselected value or set up a trade outside of market hours
  •  Streaming live prices. To the second live data for all stocks and shares
  •  Share watchlists. Monitor stocks in a 'fantasy' portfolio
  •  Income handling. Set your accounts to deal with any income received automatically
  •  Monthly Investing. Set up automated monthly fund investing

Platform charge 0.25% or less - Our share trading fees and our platform charge are amongst the lowest in the market.

Safety & Security

Multiple levels of protection to ensure your assets and details stay secure.

Platform charge from 0.35% - Our Share trading fees and our platform charge are amongst the lowest in the market.

More about the platform Get started

Wide range of investment choices

From over 3000 funds, UK and certain overseas shares, gilts, bonds, investment trusts and ETFs.

More About Your Investment Choices

First time investor?

We offer a range of Foundation Portfolios and a Foundation Fundlist to get you started.

Platform Security

Foundation Portfolios

Fund portfolios made easy, the first steps to your portfolio.

Foundation Portfolios
Platform Security

Foundation Fundlist

A list of preferred funds across the major sectors, carefully selected by our experts.

Foundation Fundlist

Telephone Dealing

A quick and easy way to place larger, more difficult and overseas orders.

Before you call

  • Please have your account number ready.
  • If buying, please ensure the account is in credit before you call.
  • If you're a new client then please register online before calling.
(020) 7149 6660

Open 7.45 - 5.00pm, Mon-Fri, excluding bank holidays and other London Stock Exchange closures.

From £25 per trade, see telephone dealing rates.

Our Loyalty Programme

Get a free Capital Gains Tax report, consolidate to save on platform fees or even better: active traders don't have to pay platform fees, terms apply.

Loyalty Programme Benefits

Investment involves risk. You may get back less than invested.