Symbol: EMCR
Streaming is not available when market closed. Some prices may be as at close of business from the previous working day.
Whilst we endeavour to price investments on a real-time streaming or 15 min delayed basis, some prices may be as at close of business from the previous working day.
Invest in this share within an ISA, JISA, SIPP or Investment Account
Past Performance
- 7th Feb 2020 to 7th Feb 20215.08%
- 7th Feb 2021 to 7th Feb 2022-2.45%
- 7th Feb 2022 to 7th Feb 2023-7.51%
- 7th Feb 2023 to 7th Feb 20245.16%
- 7th Feb 2024 to 7th Feb 20257.41%
Key Information
Benchmark | N/A |
Sector | IA Global EM Bonds - Hard Currency |
Gearing | TBC |
Ex-Dividend Date | Unknown |
Dividend Pay Date | Unknown |
Total Dividends - Year to Date | 0 |
Dividend Yield (%) | 0 |
Net Asset Value (Nav)
Latest actual NAV | 89.29 |
Latest actual NAV date | 6/02/2025 |
NAV frequency | N/A |
Premium/Discount | TBC |
Total Ongoing Charges
Please note that whilst we endeavour to show all charges associated with specific funds, sometimes this is not possible due to the information not being made available by the fund provider. In such cases transaction or incidental cost information may be missing. |
0.5491% |
Performance Fee | No |
AMC | % |
Our Platform Charge
We charge a platform fee of 0.30% per annum on the value of all stocks & shares held across all accounts, minimum £50 and maximum £600 per annum, charged pro-rata monthly in arrears. A full list of our rates and charges can be found here . |
0.30% |
Cost and Charges Information
This calculator provides you with costs and charges information regarding our charges and, where relevant, the costs within this investment product
Account Type
Annual charges
These are the annual costs based on an initial investment amount of over 1 year assuming a net zero growth rate
Cost Category | % of Investment | lump sum costs |
Our annual fee
Our annual feeIncludes our platform fee at 0.30% per annum (excluding Charles Stanley Multi Asset Funds and anycash held). The min fee is £60, the max is £600 per annum, plus SIPP administration fee (if applicable, only charged if < £30,000 held) – see here |
0.30% | |
Dealing charges
Dealing chargesAny one-off commission charges associated with investing. Note that government taxes and levies are not included. This does not include any commission credits you may have available |
N/A | |
Product provider costs
Product provider costsProduct provider costs shown are inclusive of the fund ongoing charges figure (OCF), transaction costs and incidental costs |
0.5491% | |
Total (£)
Total (£)Costs per annum displayed in monetary value |
Total (%)
Total (%)Costs per annum displayed as a percentage of investment value |
Cumulative effect of charges on your investment's return
This illustration assumes that costs occur evenly throughout the year, charges are paid out of the investment evenly throughout the year, and that an annual growth rate of applies evenly throughout the year, before any charges including product charges
lump sum invested with an assumed growth rate of | 1 year | years |
What you might get back at with no charges applied
What you might get back at with no charges appliedThese are the illustrative values of a investment after growth and no costs applied at the end of the defined period |
Annual charges
Annual chargesThese are the annual costs based on an initial investment amount of assuming a net zero growth rate |
Effect of charges on return (%)
Effect of charges on return (%)These are the overall costs in percentage terms, based on an initial investment amount of assuming a growth rate |
Effect of charges on return (£)
Effect of charges on return (£)These are the overall costs in monetary value, based on an initial investment amount of assuming a growth rate |
What you might get back at with charges applied
What you might get back at with charges appliedThese are the illustrative values of a investment after growth and costs at the end of the defined period |
This illustration is not a forecast of future investment performance but merely a means to demonstrate the potential impact of costs and charges for an assumed return of . Whilst we make reasonable endeavours to ensure the accuracy of third party charges information, this is intended for illustrative purposes only and should not be relied upon. We do not warrant or represent that this information is accurate, complete or up to date, therefore we accept no responsibility or liability for its use
Objectives and Approach
The Share Class is a share class of a Fund, which aims to achieve a return on your investment, through a combination of capital growth and income on the Fund’s assets, which reflects the return of the J.P. Morgan CEMBI Broad Diversified Core Index, the Fund’s benchmark index (Index). The Share Class, via the Fund is passively managed and aims to invest so far as possible and practicable in the fixed income (FI) securities (such as bonds) that make up the Index. These may include securities with a relatively low credit rating or which are unrated. The Index measures the total return performance of U.S. Dollar denominated debt issued by companies in emerging market countries. The Index currently includesbonds issued by companies in Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia (excluding Japan). There are currently no minimum rating requirementsor rating restrictions on either the corporate bonds or the country of issuance. To be eligible for inclusion in the Index, issuers must meet one of the following criteria:(1) the issuers are headquartered in an emerging market country, or (2) 100% of the issuers’ operating assets are located within emerging markets economies, or (3)the issuers’ assets are 100% guaranteed by an entity located within an emerging market economy. Only those instruments with at least two and a half years untilmaturity (i.e. the time until they become due for repayment) and with a current amount outstanding of US$500 million or more are considered for inclusion in theIndex. Securities which have the amount of coupon (i.e. interest) or redemption payment linked to a currency exchange rate are not eligible for inclusion. The Fund uses optimising techniques to achieve a similar return to its Index. These may include the strategic selection of certain securities that make up the Index or other FI securities which provide similar performance to certain constituent securities. These may also include the use of financial derivative instruments (FDIs) (i.e. investments the prices of which are based on one or more underlying assets). FDIs may be used for direct investment purposes. The use of FDIs is expected to be limited for this Share Class. The Fund may also engage in short-term secured lending of its investments to certain eligible third parties to generate additional income to off-set the costs of the Fund. Recommendation: This Fund is suitable for medium to long term investment, though the Fund may also be suitable for shorter term exposure to the Index. Your shares will be distributing shares (i.e. income will be paid on the shares semi-annually).
Cumulative Performance
1 month | 3 months | 6 months | 1 year | 3 years | 5 years |
1.10% | 1.29% | 2.63% | 7.41% | 4.47% | 7.09% |
Important Information
Headline performance can mask the true characteristics of a fund. Without fully understanding how a fund is managed, you may inadvertently become exposed to an undesirable level of risk to your capital. Some funds carry a dilution levy which reduces the number of units realised on any initial investment as an initial charge. If this fund carries such a levy it should be detailed in the Key Investor Information Document (KIID), which we must provide and you should read before investing.
The charts and performance data shown are supplied by an external data provider and may contain data that appears to precede the introduction of the clean unit class for this fund. In such cases, historical data has been synthesised at the entire discretion of that external provider as realistically as possible using historical data recorded against the previously available commission-paying version of the fund, adjusting for fees in the process.
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Important Documents
The documents listed below are the latest versions made available to our data provider by the fund management group, but may not necessarily reflect the applicable charges that would be levied should you purchase this fund via Charles Stanley Direct. You should treat the charges and other figures shown in the 'Overview' tab as accurate.
The Fact Sheet is supplied on a monthly basis by the management group and provides limited information on the fund. Past performance data and a review of how the fund has performed are commonly featured.
417,481 bytes PDF Document; last updated 31 Dec 2024
171,918 bytes PDF Document; last updated 27 Jan 2025
127,522 bytes PDF Document; last updated 14 Jun 2024
3,815,887 bytes PDF Document; last updated 30 Nov 2023
1,715,353 bytes PDF Document; last updated 31 May 2024
3,820,663 bytes PDF Document; last updated 29 Nov 2024
Management Team
BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Ltd
has managed this fund for 12 years and 9 months.
There is currently no biography information for BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Ltd.
Manager Cumulative Performance v Peer Group
Other exchange traded funds managed by
BlackRock Asset Management Ireland Ltd